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DIY Instruction

“Let’s turn our carton box into your pet’s fantastic toy”


The life of modern cats with safe indoors, healthy food, and a warm bed is Pawesome! But you know that the cat is evolved to hunt clever prey not lying down all day with a food bowl, and it seems impossible to hunt indoors. Not until now! With Pawkizz, you can quickly turn a carton box into a fantastic interactive toy that brings the thrill of the hunt to your indoor cat. Enjoy quality time with your cat!

3 things to get ready:

  • Pawkizz’s carton box with foam

  • Scissors and cutter knife

  • ​Double Sided Tape / Glue

  • A pen


Let's start:

Step 1: Cut rings from the carton box. Good news! We already marked the location of the ring on the box, so all you have to do is to cut along those marked rings using a cutter knife


Step 2: Make inside walls by the foam. Measure the interior of the box to find the length and the height of the insert you need.


Cut the foam that come with the box to make the wall.


​For advance cat, you can make the door in the wall by creating semi circles in the foam and cutting along those marked semi circles. 


For beginner cat, a simple box with the holes from step 1 should be sufficient


Test-fit the foam insert into the box to make sure it fits nicely, make adjustments if needed.


Apply the double sided tape/glue to the top and bottom of the insert


Finally place the wall inside the box

Step 3: Fill the hunting box with toys like fuzzy mice or jingle balls or cat treat!

And that's it! Now your cat can play with it for hours by themselves.

By using some simple tools and recycling the carton box, you’ve just created a treat-hunt box for your four-legged friend. It’s a great way to keep everyone entertained, including yourself. We sure that it would be so much fun to watch as the cats poke their paws in the different openings, trying to get at the goodies inside.

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